Anthony Dorsey
Apr 30, 20172 min read
Spoiler-Free Movie Review: Logan
Stand aside Marvel Studios, this is how you make a film. I know I’m putting this review out a bit late considering the film released in...
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Anthony Dorsey
Apr 5, 20172 min read
At what point should we know our future?
While this is a question you would often see on TV or in science fiction films, it is a question we can ask ourselves. As a college...
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Anthony Dorsey
Mar 27, 20172 min read
Is Anything on the Internet Private?
Ever post something on Facebook you quickly regretted so you deleted it before anyone saw it? What if I told you it isn’t gone forever...
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Anthony Dorsey
Mar 20, 20172 min read
Spoiler-Free Movie Review: The Lego Batman Movie
In 2014, The Lego Movie was released to acclaim from fans and critics (except some who thought it taught kids to be communists…go figure)...
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